DWI Breath Test Case Study: Reduction to Traffic Violation

DWI Breath Test


In 2023, C.M. faced DWI charges in Hennepin County after officers claimed his vehicle smelled like marijuana, leading to a field sobriety test, DWI breath test and a subsequent DWI arrest. The client registered a .08 on the DWI breath test, placing him at the legal limit for intoxication in Minnesota. The client was at risk of both a DWI conviction and a careless driving charge, which could result in serious legal and financial penalties, along with the long-term impact on his driving record.


C.M. faced significant challenges in defending against the DWI charges, given the breath test results and the officers’ belief that marijuana was involved. The client’s legal defense needed to counter both the arrest circumstances and the breath test evidence, while working to minimize the potential impact of a conviction on his record.

Defense Strategy

Marie Pacyga, a skilled Minneapolis DWI attorney, developed a defense strategy focused on challenging the basis for the arrest and the officers’ observations. She filed critical motions questioning the legality of the traffic stop, the officers’ reasoning for conducting field sobriety tests, and the reliability of the breath test results.

Through her thorough legal motions and negotiations, Marie was able to demonstrate that the DWI arrest and testing were unjustified under the circumstances. By effectively arguing that the stop and detention were not fully supported by evidence, she shifted the focus away from the more serious DWI charges.


Marie’s defense efforts led to a highly favorable outcome for C.M. The DWI and careless driving charges were dropped, and the case was resolved with a minor petty misdemeanor ticket for a stop sign violation. This resolution spared C.M. from the significant consequences of a DWI conviction, including fines, license suspension, and a criminal record, allowing him to walk away with only a minor traffic violation.


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In State v. C.M., Marie Pacyga’s strategic defense successfully reduced what could have been a serious DWI case to a simple stop sign violation. This case demonstrates the importance of challenging arrest procedures and breath test results in DWI cases, and how skilled legal advocacy can help clients avoid long-term repercussions.