A 31-year-old hockey coach in Minnesota coached a junior hockey team comprised of players ages 16 to 20 this past summer. He was recently fired from the position after sex offense allegations. The termination occurred after the coach was accused of sexual offenses, although these people were not associated with his team in any way.
A video was reportedly uploaded on YouTube, which garnered a lot of attention. It is film that is said to feature the coach in question being confronted by a group of people. The group purports that they have evidence to show that the coach had interacted with a person he believed to be a 16-year-old boy. The group further contends that the coach was corresponding in order to arrange a sexual encounter.
Reportedly, the person the coach was chatting with was an adult
Investigators say that one person in the video had reportedly pretended to be a teenager when corresponding with the hockey coach about sex, alcohol and other issues. Every state has its own laws regarding sexual matters between consenting individuals. In Minnesota, the age of consent is 16.
Defense options when accused of sexual offenses
The hockey league with which the coach was associated was informed of the situation and immediately terminated him. Being accused of a crime in no way makes a person guilty of the crime charged. That is a matter for the courts to decide. In any case, a person facing charges in Minnesota for sexual offenses may start building a defense right away by scheduling a meeting with a criminal defense attorney to discuss his or her options.