Stealing a Taxi: MN Man Accused

Stealing a Vehicle in Minnesota: Potential Consequences

A Minnesota man faces serious charges after allegedly stealing a taxicab from a local gas station. The incident occurred on a Tuesday night when the taxi driver briefly left his vehicle unattended to use the restroom. Unbeknownst to the driver, a passenger remained in the backseat of the cab. Upon returning, the driver was shocked to discover his vehicle missing from the gas station parking lot. He immediately contacted the police to report the theft. Fortunately, the taxicab was equipped with a GPS tracking device, allowing law enforcement to quickly pinpoint its location and apprehend the suspect.

A traffic stop was made in the Bemidji area 

The responding officers set out to find the missing taxicab. The tracking device led them to the Bemidji area, where they located the missing vehicle. The police officers took a 34-year-old man into custody, who will now face theft charges in court.  

Initial articles that were posted online about the incident did not specify whether the person who was arrested was determined to have been the customer that had allegedly been in the taxicab before it was taken from the gas station parking lot. In any event, a person who is arrested and charged with theft can use relevant defense strategies to refute the charges in court. These strategies are usually more effective when an experienced criminal defense attorney acts on behalf of a defendant throughout proceedings.